It is almost harvest time for our grapes...we have over an acre of Pinot Noir - not the best grape to grow in Virginia, as winemakers have discovered over the last 25 years, BUT - our vineyard was planted in the mid-80's when it was all still kind of an experiment here! Gabrielle Rausse helped get this vineyard started, and he still is THE MAN to talk to about vinifera in Virginia. He tends our vineyard and makes our wine - so I am sure it is pretty much the very best it can be!
Last year, we had big trouble with frost, drought, and beetles. That, plus the fact that so many trees have been allowed to grow up around our vineyard to house birds that will EAT the grapes and give too much shade, made for a pretty small harvest. This year, we have big, fat, full bunches of grapes everywhere - not as many as in years past, but it is beautiful! Hopefully, with our pruning and thinning of the cedars surrounding the vineyard, and replanting some vines, next year will be back in full swing. I also happen to think that just walking in the vineyard thinking happy thoughts helps them produce more...not very scientific, but maybe they know how much we love it here! (Remember those reports in the 70's that made people talk to houseplants? I still kind of like to believe that... ) Anyway, it is great fun to come watch the harvest - usually around the third week in August, and Gabrielle is giving guided tours at some local vineyards this weekend, if you are really into wine.
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