Just saw a blurb on the 'Today" show regarding travel trends...the newest 'in' thing is being unplugged! Really??!! Yes, really - it seems people are finally realizing they need what we are offering: an opportunity to unplug yourself. The show highlighted amazing resorts that offered the visitors the option of no tv's, no cell phone service, no wi-fi, and most dramatically - no electricity. I like all of those things - and have enjoyed time myself at places such as these - and have found a nice happy, medium for our guests. Nearly everyone lauds our 'no tv' policy, and loves rediscovering puzzles, books, and games; I am not so sure everyone would or could leave their cell phones behind: we have a few square miles of 'dead zone' here in Central Virginia, and you'd think people were in the middle of the dessert with no food or water, judging by some folks' reactions to not having cell service! And then there is electricity: I admit I am not willing to forgo that here - this is also our home, as well as an inn.
I do think that we might be a good start for someone who craves some quiet, but can't quite be completely disconnected (I'd be uncomfortable with that myself - I have children I worry about). Come see how nice it can be to fall asleep reading instead of to the hum of a tv. Or how relaxing it is to take a walk in the woods, not watch daytime television. Or just to sit and really talk - in person - instead of facebook posts or tweeting!
I was raised in Florida. There is nothing I like more than a long walk on the beach, listening to the waves...now, here in Virginia, it's almost as satisfying to sit in the woods and listen to the quiet of the leaves falling, or the birds - even in winter - fluttering in the underbrush, near the small pond.
High Meadows is so close to DC and Richmond...if you are on a 'quest for quiet' look for us to help you find it in 2012.